Private and/or Home Lessons

  • For New Clients w/no packages

  • 1 Hour Session

  • Can choose between Private or Group lesson

Private - $179

group - $80


Board & train Packages

  • 30 Day Package

    • On Leash Obedience

    • No pulling on leash w/ distractions.

    • Out and about training.

    • Sit, down, recall, stay, socialization, agility.

  • 60 Day Package

    • Dogs with aggression issues, severe separation anxiety, fear aggression, aggression with dogs or people.

    • On leash reactivity.

    • Behavior modification.

    • No pulling on leash, sit, down, recall, stay, socialization, agility.

  • 75 Day Package

    • Obedience – sit, recall, down, place command, no pulling on leash, off leash training. Out and about training for socialization.

    • Protection Training – here we will take your pup/ dog to its full potential. Prey building, grip development, confidence building, bite targeting, scenario training, home scenarios, car scenarios, sport work, multiple decoys and much more. 

PLEASE NOTE: An evaluation is required in person, via facetime/online. Once the board and train is complete the owner will receive private lessons / follows up that are required to ensure the training and behavior is maintained. 

30 DaYS - $3799.80

60 DAYS - $7479.60

75 DAYS - $9206.25


For more info on our Booking/Cancellation policy, visit HERE